Healing the Invisible Wounds: Understanding PTSD and Recovery


Trauma can shatter a child’s sense of safety and security, making it difficult to learn and grow. PTSD, the acronym for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, is one way that children can experience trauma. It can have an impact on their ability to feel safe, trust others and manage their emotions. This means that if you have been diagnosed with PTSD or think your child might be experiencing symptoms of PTSD, you should seek help from a professional who understands how children develop and respond differently from adults when faced with trauma.

What is PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after a person is exposed to a terrifying event. It’s normal to feel upset after a traumatic event, but for people with PTSD, the distress lasts longer and gets in the way of their daily lives.

The symptoms of PTSD can be grouped into four main types: reliving the event through nightmares or flashbacks; feeling numb or detached from others; having heightened reactions such as being easily startled or having trouble sleeping; avoiding situations that remind you of what happened–for example, not driving on freeways because they remind you of the car accident where your brother died.

Impact of trauma on children.

Children are more vulnerable to trauma than adults, and this can have a significant impact on their development. Children may experience flashbacks and nightmares, as well as anxiety, depression and hyperactivity. In severe cases children may also develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

When a child experiences trauma they can become withdrawn or aggressive; they may also suffer from learning disabilities or have difficulty concentrating on school work because of their symptoms. They might find it hard to make friends or trust people who care about them because they have been hurt so many times before by those who should have protected them instead of hurting them

Trauma and the development of the brain.

Trauma and the development of the brain

Trauma can affect your body, mind and emotions in many ways. It may be difficult to sleep or feel safe in your own home. You might experience flashbacks or have trouble concentrating or remembering things that happened before you were traumatized. You might also notice changes in how you feel about yourself and others–for example, being more irritable or having less empathy than usual for other people who are suffering from trauma themselves.

How do we help kids heal from trauma?

  • Talk to kids about their feelings.
  • Listen to kids, and acknowledge their feelings.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
  • Don’t minimize their feelings (or yours).

There are ways to help children recover from trauma, but it requires a lot of support.

Unfortunately, there are many children who don’t get the support they need. In fact, studies have shown that many children experience trauma but don’t get help for their symptoms. This is especially true for boys and young men who are more likely to internalize their feelings and not want to talk about what happened to them.

If your child has experienced trauma or if you think he or she might be suffering from PTSD, here are some things you can do:

  • Be patient with yourself and your child–this may take time! Recovery doesn’t happen overnight; it can take months or even years before things improve significantly. But with patience and persistence, you’ll both get through this together.* Talk openly about how you’re feeling with family members who love each other unconditionally (no matter what happens).


In conclusion, it’s important to remember that childhood trauma can have lasting effects on children. It’s not something that goes away on its own and requires a lot of support from people around them.

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